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Your first steps with Cambiatus

Creating your social currency

Our role is to help you build your social currency through our learning and co-creation methodology. To that end, we invite you to:

Know our methodologyKnow our plansComplete Form

Know our methodology

For Cambiatus, a community is a group of people with a common socio-environmental objective. They may or may not be geographically linked. They are people who share goals and values. That is, they share what they consider important.

Social currency is a tool that will allow all community members to connect, encouraging them to act together to achieve a common goal. It can also be the first piece so that together they can create a Collaborative Business.

As a Community, you and your team will start a journey with us, following the 3 stages of the Cambiatus Process:

To create your community in step 3, you must first have completed steps 1 and 2 of the Cambiatus Process (Mindset Change and Co-design) and, after that, join Cambiatus as a member. All Cambiatus members who wish to create a community in both Demo and Production must accept the Communities Agreement and contribute a membership of at least US$15 per month (Know our plans).

You can invest as much time as you like in steps 1 and 2. The information will always be here for you for free.
Once you and your team are ready to take the next step and create your Demo community, you will need to schedule a Zoom meeting with a Cambiatus Community Builder who will help you join Cambiatus as a member and can also support you with your co-design.

Very Important: We consider the Pilot community to be the one that is in stages 1 and 2, still in the co-creation process. In step 3, the community, together with the Cambiatus team, creates a Demo version, which is a full version of our webapp, with all its features, but in a separate environment from our Production communities.

The Demo environment may change from time to time, so pilot communities are not permanent. Their purpose is to allow you to test, tweak and use Cambiatus before releasing your community into Production. The Demo environment will never be deleted without you being informed in advance, so it is important that you complete the quiz and have your contact information.

Here you can see the communities in Demo
Here you can see the communities in Production

Discover our plans

Choose the plan that best suits your context, remembering that you can invest as much time as you like in steps 1 and 2 (Mindset Change and Co-design), the information will always be here for you free of charge.
Cambiatus Member Plans
Steps 1 e 2: Mindset Change and Co-design
Step 3: Implementation. Use Cambiatus software*
*Free Plan: Do it yourself. *Plan $15: With help from Cambiatus
CMB Token Rewards (when released)
Join the CMB-GO (Governance Token)
monthly Contribution
$ 15
$ 150
$ 500
Community Development Team Support (monthly)
Co-design facilitation with Cambiatus team members
Annual co-design review

The decision to co-create your social currency is exciting, bringing responsibility and many (good) challenges.

Now that you know our methodology and our plans, if you want to start the social currency co-creation process, we recommend that you first complete our Form to find out if you have the necessary elements to start your own social currency, and if it has a good chance of working for your community.

Agora que você conhece nossa metodologia e nossos planos, se deseja iniciar o processo de co-criação da moeda social, debes primeiro seguir esses passos:

1. Te recomendamos contar con un equipo conformado por al menos  3 personas de tu comunidad que se comprometan contigo a completar el plan piloto y dinamizar la  moneda complementaria. Esto es muy importante porque el éxito de la moneda depende del efecto de red y de la colaboración. No te recomendamos iniciar este viaje en solitario. Además, la verificación de acciones en la webapp de Cambiatus requiere de al menos tres personas, es mejor si cuentas con ellas desde el inicio.

2. La decisión de co-crear tu moneda social es emocionante, pero también implica una responsabilidad y muchos desafíos (de los buenos). Si no lo has completado aún te recomendamos completar primero este quiz para que descubras si cuentas con los elementos necesarios para iniciar una moneda social propia que tenga buenas posibilidades de funcionar para tu comunidad.

Gracias por compartir su información.

Se você selecionou a opção “Gostaria de ter o Codesign facilitation with Cambiatus team members”, aguarde que nosso time entrará em contato assim que possível.

Caso deseje seguir o plano FREE e iniciar o processo de Mindset change & Co-design, clique no botão abaixo:

Seguir no plano Free
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